Michael Appel has brought together financing, including: LIHTC; HUD HOME, CDBG, HEARTH/Homeless & NSP; MSHDA; FHLB; non-profit and commercial lenders; construction and permanent financing; Project-Based Vouchers (Section 8). He has experience building and working with a development team, including key third-party partners, such as: investors, legal, environmental, architectural, construction and supportive services.
Michael Appel has written successful grants to federal, state and local governments, as well as private and community foundations. He has secured funds for capital projects, annual operating expenses and supportive services. He has experience with renewal and new project applications for HUD Homeless programs.
Michael Appel has been involved in the implementation and compliance aspects of supportive and low-income housing, as well as the supportive services that accompany these developments. He is familiar with income, disability and homelessness eligibility requirements. He has set up, entered into and reported from a range of database systems related to housing and services funding and operations, including: APRs on HUD’s Sage and eSNAPS system, property management software, and MSHDA’s online databases.
Michael Appel has extensive experience with both technical assistance and training. He has worked with numerous agencies to apply for grants and implement programs. He is an effective and experienced trainer and has led trainings, including workshops at local, state and national conferences settings.
Michael Appel has worked with community and advocacy groups to promote low-income housing and with neighborhood organizations to develop consensus around proposed developments.